What child is this?

Text: Anie Burke-Webb; Melodie: „Greensleeves“ What child is this, who rises now from His Mother’s womb returning. Her children greet most joyously the sight of His face’s bright burning. Chorus:This, this is the Sun child born, The radiant one, the light returned Born unto the world again, This child, the promise of summer. His growing light returns the warmth that darkness stole from out the Earth To bud the leaves, and blossoms bring to signal the Spring’s rebirth. Chorus

Ye children all of Mother Earth

Text von Ellen Reed; Melodie: „It came upon a midnight clear“ Ye children all of Mother Earth Join hands and circle around To celebrate the Solstice night When our lost Lord is found. Rejoice, the year has begun again The Sun rise above So share the season together now In everlasting love.

Oh, come all ye faithful

Text von Ellen Reed Oh, come all ye faithful Gather round the Yule Fire Oh, come ye, oh, come ye, To call the Sun! Fires within us Call the Fire above us O, come, let us invoke Him! O, come, let us invoke Him! O, come, let us invoke Him! Our Lord, the Sun! Yea, Lord, we greet Thee! Born again at Yuletide! Yule fires and candle flames Are lighted for You! Come to thy children Calling for thy blessing! O, come let us invoke Him O, come let us invoke Him O, come let us invoke Him Our Lord, the Sun!


Text von Ellen Reed; Melodie: „Gloria in excelsis deo“ Snow lies deep upon the Earth Still our voices warmly sing Heralding the glorious birth Of the Child, the Winter King. Chorus:Glo — ria! In excelsis Deo! Glo — ria! In excelsis Dea! Our triumphant voices claim Joy and hope and love renewed And our Lady’s glad refrain Answer Winter’s solitude. Chorus In Her arms a holy Child Promises a glowing Light Through the winter wind so wild He proclaims the growing Light. Chorus Now the turning of the year Of the greater Turning sings Passing age of cold and fear Soon our golden summer brings. Chorus

Glory to the new-born King

Text: Ellen Reed (1st verse); Melodie: „Hark the Herald Angels sing“ von Felix Mendelssohn Brothers, sisters, come to sing Glory to the new-born King! Gardens peaceful, forests wild Celebrate the Winter Child! Now the time of glowing starts! Joyful hands and joyful hearts! Cheer the Yule log as it burns! For once again the Sun returns! Brothers, sisters, come and sing! Glory to the new-born King! Brothers, sisters, singing come Glory to the newborn Sun! Through the wind and dark of night Celebrate the coming light. Suns glad rays through fear’s cold burns Life through death the Wheel now turns! Gather round the Yule log and tree Celebrate Life’s mystery Brothers, sisters, singing come Glory to the new-born Sun!

Hark the New Age Pagans sing

Text von Coeis and Lady Morrigant; „Hark the Neo Pagans sing“ von Sunblade; Melodie: „Hark the Herald Angels sing“ von Felix Mendelssohn Hark the New Age Pagans sing, Glory to the Holly King! Peace on Earth and mercy mild, God and Goddess reconciled, Hear us now as we proclaim, We have risen from the flames, Our ancient Craft now we reclaim, In the God and Goddess‘ names Hark the neo-Pagans sing, Glory to the Holly King! Herne by highest love adored, Herne the ever-reborn Lord, At all times behold Him come, Offspring of the Holy One, Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail Incarnate Deity! Our ancient Craft now we reclaim, in the God and Goddess‘ names Hark the neo-Pagans sing, Glory to the Holly King!

Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland

Text von Alexander & Aarcher; Musik von Dick Smith Pagans sing, are you listenin‘, Altar’s set, candles glisten, It’s a Magickal night, we’re having tonight, Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland. Chorus:In a Circle we can light a Yule Fire, And await the rising of the Sun, It’s the Great Wheel turning for the new year, Loaded with abundance and great fun. Blades held high, censer smoking, God and Goddess, we’re invoking, Through Elements Five, we celebrate life, Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland. Queen of Heaven, is in Her place,Triple Goddess, now the Crone Face,Above and Below, She’s the Goddess we know,Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland. Chorus Now the God, is the Provider, Supplying game for our Fire, Above and Below, He’s the Horned One we Know, Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland. Later on, by the fire, Cone of Power, gettin‘ higher It’s a Magickal Night we’re having tonight, Dancing in a Wiccan Wonderland.